Remember in High School when one no one wanted to be called a Follower?? Well it's all good now. Click the Follow button on the right hand side and Follow this blog officially.
Welcome to our own FHS Class of 1995 website. This site is new and still under construction and will change as new gismos, widgets and gadgets (oh my) are added. But follow today so you can keep an eye on the progress.
This blog will be used to post relevant classmate news and reunion information. And let's not forget about reunion photos :) You can also use this site to purchase tickets to our upcoming Sweet Sixteen Reunion on July 9, 2011. MORE DETAILS TO FOLLOW THIS WEEK SO STAY TUNED!!
OH and if you really don't want to miss out on posts, (especially our big reunion announcement coming this week) try subscribing by entering your email address in the subscribe box! You wont miss a word... captivated I'm sure. ;)
If you have any content or anything you would like to share on this blog just contact me at
(PS: I stole this idea from a Framingham North 80s decade class but they have classmate profiles secton on their website. Just a quick paragraph like a where am I now with a current photo and 3-4 sentences of where live, kids/spouse info etc/ where work and hobbies. If I ever get the time to pull that together and if my classmates are not too embarrassed to be featured I would love to add this section!!)
PS: If you have a google account of any kind you should be able to follow this blog. By now... who doesn't have google for something? If you can't follow, at least subscribe instead :)